By: Pam Kul-Berg

Dementia Care Specialist for the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Southwest Wisconsin

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is important and knowing some warning signs can be helpful. Early diagnosis can allow individuals and their families to learn more about the conditions and plan for the future by addressing issues such as financial matters, living situations, and support networks.

As indicated on the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute’s website, The Suncoast Alzheimer’s & Gerontology Center at the University of South Florida outlines several signs of Alzheimer’s disease. These signs include:

  • Asking the same question over and over again
  • Repeating the same story many times
  • Having difficulty with activities that an individual use to do often such as forgetting how to cook, how to make repairs, or how to play cards
  • Having trouble managing monthly bills and balancing a checkbook
  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings and/or misplacing household objects
  • Relying on someone else, such as a spouse, to make decisions or answer questions an individual previously would have handled themselves

If you are concerned about a loved one’s or your own memory, thinking, or reasoning skills please know that you are not alone. Be an advocate for your health and contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Southwest Wisconsin to get connected to the Dementia Care Specialist. There are many supports and resources available.