
The Aging and Disability Resource Center, or ADRC, serves the elderly and adults with disabilities by providing information and getting them connected to needed services. We serve elderly, adults with physical disabilities, adults with developmental disabilities, adults with mental health and substance abuse issues, as well as serving the families, providers, friends and neighbors of these consumers. Information and assistance services are free of charge and confidential.

ADRC Brochure

Who is eligible for services:

  • People age 60 and older
  • People (age 18 and older) with physical or developmental disabilities
  • People (age 18 and older) with mental health or substance abuse problems

Our Mission Statement

The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Southwest Wisconsin is dedicated to working with adults and families who are affected by aging, disability, mental health or substance abuse issues, by providing information and access to services to enhance their quality of life.

Our Philosophy

All people, regardless of financial circumstances, need good, unbiased, information about  life choices.  Maximizing your personal resources and enhancing your ability to choose the types of services you wish to receive and the setting in which you wish to receive them.

The ADRC of Southwest Wisconsin is a place where you can visit, call or e-mail to receive free, professional unbiased information on a wide variety of resources that are available for consideration when planning your future.


The History of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)

In 1998 Tommy Thompson (then Governor of Wisconsin) proposed a redesign for long term care, which included the development of the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs).  ADRCs are warm, welcoming and convenient places for you to receive information about long term care and the single entry point for publically funded long term care services.  Nine pilot programs were started and today it is expected that all citizens of Wisconsin will have access to an ADRC by the end of 2012.

You can contact your local ADRC directly or by calling our toll free number to be directly connected to your local office: 1-877-794-2372.  You may also visit your local office during regular business hours:

Wisconsin Aging and Disability Resource Center website: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/ltcare/adrc