Getting Started
Our trained ADRC Specialists are knowledgeable about all of the programs and services available to help meet you or your loved one’s needs. We want you to have all the information you need to make your own choices. We provide objective, in-depth information about the services and resources available. We’ll talk with you about the types and cost of care available — whether you receive services at home or in another community setting.
Not sure about all your options for long term care? Need a phone number for housing in your area? Contact us if you have questions or want information on these or other programs and services.
Help with Benefit Programs
Where do you turn when you have questions or concerns about public or private benefit programs or other legal issues? Contact an Elderly or Disability Benefit Specialist for help accessing programs (such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and more), benefits, and legal rights.
Elder Benefit Specialists
These programs help anyone age 60 and over.
Disability Benefit Specialists
These services support people — ages 18 through 59 — who are physically disabled, developmentally disabled, or with mental health or substance use problems.