April 19, 2020 – April 25, 2020 all-day

National Volunteer Appreciation week is an opportunity to recognize and thank volunteers who lend their time, talent, voice and support to causes they care about in their community. The ADRC is fortunate to have close to 100 volunteers providing services to others. Whether they are driving someone to the doctor, delivering a hot meal, teaching wellness classes, or befriending a senior at our Adult Day Center – each person makes a difference.

The truly inspiring part of working with volunteers at the ADRC is the excitement and commitment I personally see them bring on a daily basis. One instance comes to mind specifically and that’s when a home-delivered meal participant doesn’t answer the door.  Our protocol is that volunteers should let the office know so we can follow up with emergency contacts and ensure that person is safe. Our volunteers understand the importance of making sure our home-delivered meal participants are home and able to get their nutritious meal. They recognize the delicate situation many of the people they help are facing, and have grown to care about them.  This kind of compassion is truly inspirational and makes me proud of the togetherness of our communities.

If you are interested in volunteering at the ADRC, give us a call at 608-328-9499 or stop in and we would be happy to let you know what’s out there!