Wisconsin Cranberries

POSITIVELY GOOD EATING — AND GOOD FOR YOU The tart, tangy cranberry with a big, healthy bounce has strong ties to the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin produces more cranberries than any other state in the nation and produces more than half of the entire world’s...

The Benefits of Optimism

The Benefits of Optimism Staying positive can improve stress management, productivity, and your health Do you know someone who seems to always have a smile and a positive thought? Or are you yourself one of those people who is full of optimism? Hardships are seen as...

March – National Nutrition Month

March – National Nutrition Month It comes as no surprise to anyone that the foods we enjoy are the ones we eat most!  That is why, as part of National Nutrition Month 2014, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages everyone to “Enjoy the Taste of Eating...
Brain Health

Brain Health

One of the biggest fears in aging is the possibility of Alzheimer’s or some type of dementia. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease and only some causes of dementia symptoms can be reversed. Taking care of your brain specifically, much like taking care of your...