We, at the ADRC of Southwest Wisconsin, are committed, now more than ever, to providing the same services we always have. Our staff are still available to offer a myriad of services to consumers in our area.We have adjusted our processes and some of our procedures to fall into line with all of the precautions being set forward by the CDC but our staff is still working and ready to answer your questions.
We will continue to provide all of our core services which include providing up-to-date information on services and resources available in your community. Information & Assistance (I&A) Specialists are still offering options counseling including providing information to assist people to make informed choices about long term care. I&A Specialists are also available to assist youth with disabilities transitioning from the school system and/or children’s programs to adult programs. We also continue to offer services to assist individuals in accessing long-term care programs, as well as, providing options to individuals looking at transitioning out of a nursing home. The ADRC will continue to be the place to call for information on home delivered meals and transportation for our counties (Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette).
Our Disability and Elder Benefit Specialists also remain available and dedicated to serving you and your loved ones. Benefit Specialists can help in accessing both private and public programs and benefits, and provide information about consumer rights regarding those programs. They can provide information and advocacy on a wide range of issues and assist with the application and/or appeal process for public and private benefits like Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, Disability, Senior Care, Supplemental Security Income and Medigap Insurance.
We also have a Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) on our staff who is ready to help anyone who is looking for more information or education surrounding dementia. The DCS is dedicated to helping families care for loved ones at home or even across the country. The DCS is also determined to better educate our communities in order to help keep our loved ones at home as long as possible.
In addition, we continue to offer caregiver support services. We are working with our partner agencies in setting up online support groups, but if you are in need of other resources surrounding caregiving we are here to get you connected to the options in your immediate area! We all need all the support we can get and our family caregivers are part of our frontline during this pandemic!
We know this is a difficult, unprecedented time and we want you to know we continue to be available to answer your questions about services and resources in your community to keep you and your loved ones safe and happy in your homes! We can be reached by phone or online: 1-800-514-0066, adrcswwi.org, or find us on Facebook at ADRC of Southwest Wisconsin.